Car Interior Themes
Perfect Match Creating a great car interior means more than just choosing materials and colours. It’s about making sure that every element works with the other. This means for looks AND function. It’s about stirring emotions, creating a story, and capturing attention for the right reasons. Different cars have a specific style or look, and […]
Stay Cool in Your Car: Battling Heat in a Warm Climate
Stay Cool in Your Car Cars in warmer climates pose a challenge when it comes to staying cool and looking stylish. The interior environment can be notoriously difficult, with various surface finishes within tight confines, all encased in a sleek metal and glass shell. Cooling down a car is far more challenging than warming it […]
Noise, vibration, and harshness
Noise, vibration, and harshness, referred to as NVH, are factors that greatly influence the comfort and quality of a vehicle. NVH refers to the sound, vibration, and harshness that a driver and passengers experience while driving a car. It refers to the entire range of vibration perception, from feeling to hearing. It is caused by […]
Safety and comfort
Sitting. It’s something we do every day, and it’s something that usually requires zero thought. We can pull up any horizontal surface, and if we deem it safe enough, just flop ourselves down. But should we sometimes put a little thought into what really is a simple, everyday action? Safety and comfort are more entwined […]