High Society Kustom Garage

Seams for Auto Upholstery

Seams like a stitch-up An introduction to seams Before you have a car retrimmed, seams for auto upholstery are probably not something you’ve ever thought about.  After all, it’s not exactly a selling point for a vehicle.  Besides, why would you have needed to worry about them?  Well, any decent trimmer prides themselves on crafting […]

Interior Restoration

This month we’ll concentrate solely on HSKG’s specialty, the interior, and how best to tackle this part of your restoration project. More Evaluation Much like the vehicle overall, the interior restoration begins with inspecting the car thoroughly.  Note any scratches, rips, stains, or imperfections in the upholstery.  Start a running list of issues or things […]

The restoration process

Steps of Car Restoration The basic steps of the car restoration process involve evaluation, disassembly, mechanical repairs, bodywork, painting, electrical repairs, reassembly, and interior repairs.       Evaluation: Look at the car and decide what needs to be fixed.       Disassembly: Take the car apart.  Check every piece.       Mechanical […]

Restoring your Classic car

Car restoration is like a magic show.  Take an old or damaged car and make it look new again.  People who love cars and history will probably enjoy car restoration.  They like the nostalgia of old cars having a second life.  Are you thinking of buying and restoring a classic car?  Perhaps it’s always been […]

Safety and comfort

Sitting. It’s something we do every day, and it’s something that usually requires zero thought.  We can pull up any horizontal surface, and if we deem it safe enough, just flop ourselves down.  But should we sometimes put a little thought into what really is a simple, everyday action?  Safety and comfort are more entwined […]

Tips from a trimmer

Many car builders tend to overlook the interior, often undervaluing the trimmer’s role, which is seen as overpriced.  As the last in line during the build, trimmers bear the consequences of preceding decisions. This is especially true if how the trim is to be finished wasn’t taken into account.  Normally at the end of the […]

Vinyl vs leather

  Custom interior; vinyl or leather? Despite the other textile and material options available to those building custom car interiors, the two titans most often battling for a place when it’s decision time are vinyl and leather. They are sometimes mistaken for one another, and in some instances misrepresented.  While they may at times look […]

Custom car interior colours

Getting your custom car’s colour scheme right can have one of the biggest impacts on the success of your build. Only stance (and some would argue, wheel choice) will have a bigger impact. This includes the interior colour as much as the paint; if they don’t work together, you’ll immediately ruin the appeal. You know, […]